Eid-el-Kabir: Hon. Nazir Sanusi Gifts Constituents Cash, Rams For Sallah

By Shehu Yahaya, Kaduna

A Member Kaduna House Assembly representing Kawo Constituency Hon. Nazir Sanusi Abubakar  has, in the spirit of the Eid-el-Kabir celebrations, shared Cash and Rams  to members of his constituents.

The initiative, according to the Umar Samfam, an APC chieftain In Badarawa/ Malali word said the gesture  was to cushion the effects of the economic hardship being experienced by many of the constituents amid preparations for Eid-el-Kabir.

According to our investigations,  the gesture was done in order to ease the burden of Sallah celebrations on the people of the Constituency.

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, Umar Samfam, thanks the lawmaker  for the kind gesture which he described as routine.

He said if not for the Naziru Sanusi, kind gesture, many of them will have celebrate Sallah somehow.

Samfam, explained that this is the first time in history of Kawo  Constituency they have elected a member who has deep concern on the plight of the downtrodden masses. He added that Badarawa/Malali word received 200 thousand Naira cash which was shared accordingly.

Our reporter, report that the distribution of the cash and Rams aimed to put a smile on the faces of residents of his constituency as well as ensure merry Eid-el-Kabir Sallah celebrations. 

Also speaking, a beneficiary from Unguwar Dosa Word Yusuf Umar  commended Hon. Naziru for his passion to serve, urging people to continue to pray for him.

” I received Sallah cash gift from  Nazir Sanusi while he is at the holy land performing Hajj this is to show that Hon. Nazir  has demonstrated commitment to his constituents especially at this critical time”

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