Ed- El- Kabir: Sir Ahmadu Bello  Memorial Foundation  Calls For  Action Against Economic Hardship

By Shehu Yahaya

The Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation has extends warm greetings to all Nigerians as we celebrate the joyous occasion of Eid El Kabir.

In a statement issued to journalists in Kaduna by its Director General  Dr. Abubakar Gambo Umar , emphasized to he significance of obidience, tolerance and love during Ed- El kabir period.

According to him “As we celebrate this special Eid, we urge all Nigerians to imbibe the spirit of obedience, tolerance, and love, virtues that are at the core of the Sallah festivity. Let us strive to live in peace and harmony, and continue to be prayerful for our country and our leaders”

“It is essential that we draw the attention of leaders at all levels to the serious economic hardships facing Nigerians today. The unprecedented hike in prices of foodstuffs and other basic necessities of life has placed a heavy burden on the populace. We call on our leaders to take urgent and decisive steps to address these challenges and alleviate the suffering of the people”

“We cannot ignore the issue of insecurity that continues to threaten the peace and stability of our nation. It is imperative that all Nigerians come together in collective action to address this pressing issue. We must work hand in hand to ensure the safety and security of every citizen”

“As we celebrate this year’s Sallah amidst these challenges, let us remember the teachings of obedience, tolerance, and love, and let them guide us in our interactions with one another. Together, let us strive for a Nigeria where peace, harmony, and prosperity reign supreme”

“May this Eid El Kabir Sallah bring blessings, joy, and unity to all Nigerians.” He added.

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