ED-EL-KABIR; Islamic Claric Changes Community On Peace, Unity

By Mohammed Yahaya

The Chief Imam of Tantatu in Kajaru  Local government area,Mallam Haruna Muhammad Imam has charged the entire people in Kajuru emirate to embrace each other and continue to live in peace. 
    He gave the charge while addressing some indigenes of Tantatu who paid him Sallah Homage.


     Imam Haruna Muhammed said he was highly happy and impressed with the composition and calibre of the indigenes who paid him the Sallah Homage comprising muslims and christians. 
   He noted that the the return of peace in the town following several attacks by armed bandits which dispersed the people,is commendable and worthy for thanking Almighty Allah.

    Mallam Haruna Muhammad advised the people of the Tantatu to maintain the visitation and good relationship despite their religious and ethnic differences, for peace to continue to reign in the area.

In his remark the Vice chairman of Kajuru local government council,Mr Daniel Haruna Wambai who was among the visiting indigenes said their visit was to further enhance brotherliness , relationship and peace among the entire people of Tantatu.
    He thanks God for is mercy and support for giving them opportunity to unite despite their difference as well as paid such a sallah visit to the community.
    Mr Daniel Wambai also thanked the Almighty God for the return of peace in the area, and appealed to the people to remain as one family to Uplift Tantatu and entire Kajuru local government .

In his speech Mr Joshua Yaroson chairman Youths Kajuru Station Connect for peace and Unity , urged the youths to unite and be good Ambassador of Tantatu wherever they find themselves to promote the development of the area.
   He further called on government to increase the number of security personnel in the area to check the activities of armed bandits and other criminal elements , and appealed to the people left the town as a result of the attacks to return home.

Pastor Jonathan Remord  who also spoke at the occasion, enjoined both muslims and christians to shelves their religious difference and support the development of Tantatu community 
   He therefore appreciated to both kaduna and federal government for their support towards providing security to Tantatu and other parts Of Kajuru local government area

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