SERVICE TO HUMANITY: PCRC Honours Yobe Commissioner Of Religious Affairs And  Ethical Re-Orientation

By Shehu Yahaya

The Hon. Commissionner Yobe State Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ethical Re-Orientation Hon. Alh. Yusuf Umar has  received a philanthropist award from the Nigerina Police Community Relations Commission On 14th July 2024 in Bauchi State 

The commissioner received the award occasionally from from high ranking officers of the Nigeria Police. 

Presenting the award Hon. Yusuf was extoll by some good virtues of which include Labour Friendliness, Upliftment of Common Man, Hard Work, Dedication, Commitment and above all Love for the Progress of Nigeria. 

The Commissioner who is also a patron of Nigerin Policemen Community Relations Commission, assured them that being  a public servant, he’ll continue to put more effort and dedicate himself to play more roles in the spectrum of executing his administrative responsibilities effectively and with equality.

The Commissioner while  thanking the  management of the PCRC for the recognition as he describe it as “unexpected”,  wishes  the PCRC family for finding him worthy of the honour.

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